My M3 'Why'
From Erin
In 2009, I lost my boyfriend of 10 years, suddenly, to a “massive pulmonary embolism”. I was 36 years old with a 12 year old daughter. I had my own career and with a relocation, some cutbacks and sacrifices was able to support us, but there were some things which needed resolve that I didn’t have a lot of knowledge about. It would have been much easier to navigate those issues, while also navigating the grieving process, had there been an organization like Missing Man Ministry in my area. The loss of a partner is incredibly hard. The loss of a partner who was also the main provider is devastating to many women and children. Over the past 11 years, I have met a number of women who were carrying very heavy loads after their loss and I wished there was an easy way to help them. When I learned of M3, I felt like my wish had been granted and I knew I wanted to be involved.
Asking for help is very hard for most people. It’s especially hard in times of great loss. On behalf of the women and children who are just trying to get through each day, I ask for your help. Your support allows us to lift some weight off of them. Being able to take a deep breath is what gives them the ability to keep moving forward in their healing process.